Friday, December 24, 2010

My Name Activity

My Name is Ahmed Al-Hosni.
The meaning of my name is "highly praised or one who constantly thanks God"
It’s one of the favorite names in the Islamic countries.
  Ahmed is one of the names Of Our Prophet (Mohamed) peace be upon him.

A= Adorable when I laugh.^_^
H=Highly recommended when I work.
M= Mature when I talk.
E= Excited even though I am broke.
D= Dashing when I walk. 

   A= Attractive
     H= Handsome
M= Mature
  E= Exciting
             D= Destroying -_-
* I Live in Oman.
* I teach English language.
* I teach age group of 10to 13. 

* The goals of my teaching career. 

1-To make my students active participants in every aspect of their lives.
2- To make my students High Achievers.
3- To show them that learning is Fun

 I like watching football, wrestling and bodybuilding. Also, I like the world of computers because I always learn new interesting things every day and not to mention teaching.

Adios Amigos

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hamad in the Prison

Hamad in the Prison
Al Hosni

     Once upon a time there was a village ruled by a very oppressive Imam. He was unjust and very greedy. He always took villages’ products and treated his villagers very oppressively. The Imam would send anyone he disliked or did anything wrong to a big prison that he built in the mountains. That prison had many rooms and in each room, which only can host for three inmates, he crowded six. That led the inmates to feel uncomfortable and to suffer every minutes they spent in the prison. Yet, the guards of the prison were human giants who never slept and had the power of thirty men. The giants were faithful to the Imam because the Imam had a ring that controlled them. Now, in the village, there was a brave boy who laughed in the face of danger and no one could surpass his wit. That boy was an orphan and the villagers raised him. His name was Hamad.

     One day, Hamad was wandering in the Wadi. That day, the Imam was on a trip with his family in the Wadi and they were enjoying themselves. Hamad saw some people swimming. The curiosity bothered him; he walked slowly to have a glance. He walked as if he were a lion preparing to prey. As he was observing, the guardians saw and caught him. The Imam ordered the guards to throw him in the prison.

     Hamad entered the prison and he saw how the giant warders of the prison treated prisoners badly. Hamad was angry because he felt that he was a victim of injustice.

     In the prison, Hamad started to make friends with inmates and realized that most of the inmates were innocents too. Hamad helped prisoners in many different ways such as, sharing them his food, giving them some space to sleep and sometimes tacking the thrash instead of them. One day, Hamad gave an old man his food and did not sleep from hunger. The old man approached him and gave him a cap that made him invisible whenever he wore it, a “khanjer” and a small black rock. So Hamad decided to break out from the prison to defeat the oppressive Imam.

     Hamad made a plan and chose nine powerful and strong inmates he befriended. That night he and the nine friends started to break out from the prison and the giants-warders saw the escapers. Then, Hamad wore the cap and became invisible. One of the nine inmates ran in front of a giant to distract him and threw around the giant’s neck a rope from the roof of the prison where he was standing invisibly and strangled him. Also, three of the giant fell in a pit full of boiling oil that was dug by the prisoners and they died. At dawn, Hamad and his friends managed to beat the giant-warders and break free from the prison, fortunately, with all the prisoners who fought bravely with Hamad.

     The news spread quickly and reached the Imam. Hamad went directly to the Imam’s fort with the inmates. The Imam prepared his army to face Hamad. In the fort, the Imam put in every tower of his fort a one-eyed sharpshooter who never missed a shot.

     Hamad did not want to jeopardize his friends and villagers who wanted to help him and decided to go alone. He wore the invisible cap and went to the fort alone. He entered the fort without being noticed and cleverly chose a place that made the sharpshooter facing each other when they saw him. Hamad took the cap out and became visible. The sharpshooters saw him and shot the arrows at him. Hamad wore the cap and ducked as fast as he could, which made the flying arrows kill the opposite sharpshooters.

     Then, Hamad moved toward the Imam’s room. The Imam wore a coat that nothing could penetrate. Hamad took off the invisible cap to confront the Imam to fight with him man to man. As the Imam took his sword out, Hamad took the “khanjer’ and slashed the Imam’s coat into two pieces. The Imam felt defenseless and ran toward the door but Hamad tackled him and sat on him. Hamad remembered that there was a magical ring made anyone who wore it enchanted. So, with the black stone he hammered the ring that slipped from the Imam’s finger. The spell was ceased after the ring had been broken. The Imam returned to his conscious. He thanked Hamad, apologized to his people and rewarded his people a good life. Hamad got married to the Imam’s daughter afterward became the Imam of that village and lived happily ever after.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My story with (Youth Observer) November

My story with (Youth Observer)

Youth Observer is a monthly journal that is issued by Ministry of Education in Oman. Every month, I wait for a new issue to read what students of other schools have written in the journal. I always have wanted to participate but I have not had the courage to do so. Thus, I have made my mind this year to be DIFFERENT in everything in my life. So, I have started my changing point by choosing a slogan to encourage me to do my best. My mottoes for this year are (NEVER GIVE UP) and (Be Different).

At the beginning of the year, I told my students to prepare pieces of writing, poems and paintings in order to send them to the Youth Observer. In addition, I told them that we will try all our bests to see at least one work in the next 6 months in the (YO).

The theme of that month was the (40th National Day anniversary of Oman). I sent what I had collected from my student to the (YO). Then, when the monthly issue released, I looked for our participation for four times and I did not find any! I was so disappointed but I said to myself to (NEVER GIVE UP). After that, in next day my supervisor sent a text message to congratulate me and my students for our participation in (YO).  WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE!!!!!! and WHEN!!!!!!!!

Therefore, I grabbed the (YO) for the fifth time and I looked carefully in the papers to find out that (YO) had published one of my student’s work. I flew from happiness and said to myself (1000 miles start with a step) this is my first step to 1000 mile. I hope to continue my journey of success.

The next day, I showed my student (Mansoor) the paper and let him read what he had written in (YO) to the other students. 

Then, I give him a gift to show my appreciation to him and to encourage him and others to follow his lead.

At the end, the English department supervisors did not stay bystanders. (Mariam Al Azizi, Yaqoob Al Hinai and Zakia Al Rawahi) issued for Mansoor and I certificates of thanking and appreciation and hand them to us in the morning assembly in front of our colleagues. It is really a good feeling to be appreciated.  

Adios Amigos,

Saturday, December 18, 2010

سندويتشتين فلافل

هذه لزميلي ايام الجامعه قريتها وعجبتني وقلت بنشرها لكم
ص .المقيمي

اخواني الاحبة
حبيت اقدم لكم هالقصة
صارت لي وانا كنت طالب في الجامعة
فيها موقف ما انساه طول عمري ويمكن مريتو فيه
اتمنى تعجبكم.....

تبدأ القصة من دخولي الجامعة..انا شاب من عائلة بسيطة جدا..مثلكم يعني
ما احب التفاخر ولا المظاهر وكنت اقتصادي لأنه وبصراحة ما كان عندي ميزانية ولا كان عندي دخل
على الله ..ثم على باب العلاوة الي اخذها من الجامعة..عادي مثل اخواني الي في الجامعة كلهم

قبل سنة ونصف من الآن
خرجت من قاعة الاختبار..وانا كنت في اخر فصل وكنت ادرس مقرر واحد لا غير
وقبل السبع سنوات كنت اعاني من حاجة وحدة
(( سندويتشات الفلافل))
قصتي مع سندويتشات الفلافل الرديئة قصة عجيبة
انا كنت اموت على حاجة اسمها فلافل
دشيت الجامعة وحبيت اتطور
ولاني من عائلة ميسورة الحال
اضطريت التزم أو ( اتعلق بالفلافل أكثر)
لانها كانت ارخص سدويتشة ب200بيسة
كنت امر السوبرماركت واخذلي 2 سندويتش فلافل
البائع الي كان في السوبر ماركت تعود علي
كل ما اجي اغمزله واسوي له اشارة النصر ( السبابة والوسطة بيدي)
على طول يروح ماخذ سندويتشتين فلافل ويحطهم في المايكرو ويف ويسخنهم ويلفهم في كيس
واخذ معاهم مرة بيبسي ومرة عصير حليب بالتشوكولاته
وتميت على هالحال 7 سنوات
وكل سنة احس بأن الفلافل تصير قاسية و (عصة)
لين ما صرت ابلعها مثل الحصى( المسيلة)
وفي سنة سادسة تغير البائع وكان يعلم بائعة عمانية جديدة كيفية العمل
وجيته..قال البائع للبنت(( شوفي هذا.. هذا اسمه 2 سندويتش فلافل))
اول ماتشوفيه داخل السوبر ماركت راح يغمزلك ويسوي علامة النصر على طول خذي له 2 سندويتش فالفل وسخنيهم
ضحكت انا وضحكت البنت...كانت تكبرني سنا بنحو 4 سنوات
استمريت اتريق واتغدا نفس الغدا للسنتين الاخيرة
سندويتشتين فلافل
ولما جيت اخر يوم لي في الجامعة
وكان عندي اخر اختبار
قلت والله اني بودع الفلافل
ورحت وانا في مشية كلها شبه قداسة وفيها تركيز عالي
وصلت السوبر ماركت..
فتحت الباب...حصلت البنت البائعة
غمزت لها واشرت لها باشارة النصر
تكلمت معها وفي عيني دمعه
(( الله يخليك اريدها بالشطة الحارة والمايونيز واريدها مميزه))
ردت: ( بس انت متعود تاخذها كذا)
قلت: (( اعرف..بس هذي اخر سندويتشتين لي في الجامعة واريد اكلهم صح))
دمعت عيني وهي تراقب...بغت تخفف عني وقالت:( مبروك اخوي...تستاهل التخرج وان شاء الله نشوفك رافع الراس وتكون اسرة)
رديت: ( ان شاء الله)
مسحت دمعتي وخذيت لي حليب بالتشوكولاته وحاسبت البائعة وودعتها
طلعت الى نفس المكان الي كنت ( ابلع فيه السندويتشات) وانا اتنشج
فتحت الطلبية وتميت اراقب المكان حولي
الموقف كان عادي جدا
وانا تعودت عليه سبع سنوات
والناس تعودت على وجودي بالمكان
بس هالمرة كنت ابكي
مسحت بالكلينكس من الطلبية دموعي
ومديت ايدي..بسم الله..اخر سندوزيتشتين فلافل
قضمت قضمة...وحسيت بأن الفلافل بعدها قاسية..وما تمالكت نفسي
تميت ابكي..وابكي وابكي
والطلاب والطالبات تمشي هنا وهناك
بس ما حد كان منتبه ( او انهم متعودين على انهم يشوفوا ناس تبكي في الجامعة)
لو كانت اخر سندويتشتين فلاافل سهلة الهضم لكانت مصيبة وما كنت اكلتهم
خلصت الأكل والبكاء
لبست نعالي..حطيت البقايا في الكرتون الي طول سبع سنوات اكل جنبه
وشربت الحليب بالشوكولاته
سويت رنة لزميلي واتصل بي ورجعنا السكن
من يومها وانا ما احب سندويتشات الفلافل
ولما اروح الجامعة لأي غرض كان...امر على السوبر ماركت..واشتري لي حليب بالشوكولاته
وما أغمز ولا ارفع علامة النصر ولا أطلب 2 سندويتش فلافل


Friday, December 10, 2010

Interview with Zenir Machado

El alma de Brasilia y La flor del Cerrado
Ahmed Al-Hosni

Zenir Machado lives in Brasília, the capital of Brazil. Brazil is a sunny 50-year old city in the central part of the country that was planned and built to be the capital, and since its foundation it has been attracting visitors from all over the world for its modern architecture. It has the shape of an airplane, but the inspiration for it comes from nature and Zenir really like the idea of living in a city whose design was inspired by a butterfly. She likes it a lot. She loves the incredible light blue sky that can be seen from anywhere, the amazing flowers of the cerradothat is how Brazilian savannah is called.

Zenir went to kindergarten, elementary and secondary school in Santa Maria, a small town in the south of Brazil, and she graduated from the federal university there.  She spent 12 years at school, and five at the university. She graduated in 1975 and 1977. First, she took journalism, which she have never practiced after college and forgot all about. Then she applied for languages, her major became English, and she ended up earning a master´s degree in applied linguistics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre in 1997. She worked at different private places in the south, but now her work at the Centro Interescolar de Línguas, which is a public language school.

Zenir’s father worked for the army and her mother was a housewife. Her parents both have passed away. She have a brother and two sisters, and they are all good friends. Only one of them lives in Brasilia. However, she spends some time with her brother, her youngest sister and their families in the south once or twice a year.

Zenir is divorced a long time ago. She has no children “Thank God I have two nephews, three nieces, a great-niece, a great-nephew – and lots of students!” she said. 

Zenir speaks Portuguese and English. She first studied English at school around the age of 13. At that time, French came before English at school, and, in fact, she still think it sounds more beautiful, but she chose to learn English at the university because of the work market. “I guess it was the best choice for me.” she said.

Zenir decided to take this journalism course because of her students, she wants them to learn, but it’s more than that. She wants to do something more creative and interesting with them. She wants them to be as happy as possible at school – here and now. And as good citizens as they can when they finish school.
In her free time, she enjoys reading novels, and sometimes borrows a book of poems in Portuguese from the school library to read on the bus or in the bank line. She also like going out with friends, going to the movies, concerts, and art exhibitions. She doesn’t play any sports. She just go walking three times a week “Arts and friendship are essential and they will always be, and I need to exercise, too.” She replied.   

Zenir tries to seize the day rather than dream of the following one and she hopes to have a long, healthy, loving and productive life. At 57, of course she has had her share of good and bad moments, but she has not led a difficult life. She has learned a lot, and she thanks God for everything.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Colourful pageant in AlBuraimi for the (40)

Pictures and comments

 Before the Ceremony 

 Posing for the Cam

 Please help me

 Having lunch

 Yam Yam

 big feast

 Nothing left in this group
(please I want more!!!!)
 WoW. Meat and rice ( Aish wa Laham)

 What's up Rashid?

 (the boys are shy)

 Entering the club (stadium)

 Do not look at me guys!

 Other Schools

 Beautiful girls

A Big picture of the pageant

 Preparing the tableaux

 Al Khwarizmi and girls School tableaux

 saying good bye to the attendants 
(laser and smoke shows)

the end of the tableaux

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oman 40th National day

Oman National day
Drawings by 
AlKhwarizmi students

 Omani traditional village
by Fahad Alwahashi

Omani Khanjer (digger) and two swords
(Oman's Icon)

Students in th bus
by Yousef